New World with Education and Compassion

We can make a new world of our old world through education, and compassion. Cooperation, compassion, empathy, love, kindness, and similar concepts are recognized as preferable behaviors. We do not desire rivalry, indifference, hate, unkindness, hostility, and extremism. We recognize that taking anything to the extreme can potentially lead to disaster. This extreme state, in itself, is susceptible to misery.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Education and compassion can hinder rivalry, envy, narcissism, and greed and the misery caused by them. Education, accompanied by compassion, can channel greed for power, money, and other desires in a positive direction.

We can expand our circle of compassion.

Expanding Circle of Compassion

Education is not enough to remove or curtail harmful characteristics from individuals. Unfortunately, many educated individuals still lack compassion and may perpetrate harm upon their fellow beings or the world. Compassion unguided and unaccompanied by education lacks control, management, and how to do of benefiting fellow beings and the world.

The virtues mentioned at the start of this writing make our planet a better place to live in. Else, we feel close to nature and all that is beautiful, calm, nice, pleasant, and soothing to the eyes, heart, and mind which is responsible to let us know and experience all that.

Questions to Ask Ourselves

Can’t we end wars?

Isn’t it possible to end the weapon industry, obstruct the supply of narcotics, and stop human trafficking?

Why should not we give up nuclear weapons?

Will not giving up the thrice mentioned above make our world a better and honorable place? It shall be for the majority of us, not just humans but also other inhabitants of this planet?

Is it possible to miss either education or compassion?

Can’t we stand for the noble cause keeping aside the petty disputes that allow the exploiters and destroyers of this world to make our home, the earth an infernal hell?

Can’t we decrease the weaknesses and flaws in our personality through education and compassion?

Will not the minimization of our negative traits lead to a road that is brighter than dark and better than worse for this planet, for us, and others?

Will not the rise and increase of positivity make our world more tolerable, more accepting, and happy, and hopefully, eventually, quite a better place to dwell in?

Perfection is the enemy of good

By education and compassion, we shall make Earth a desirable place and that will make it possible for us to be more creative, reasonable, and scientific yet distinguished by intense care and pity for the suffering of beings that inhabit our mother, the Earth and we can expect to have more potential and willingness to try our best to deal with natural and artificial disasters, and disabilities.

Let us not pursue perfection which is not possible, however, let us wait for the time when it might be proper to idealize. We, as humans collectively shaping society, culture, country, and civilization, need to actively improve, shift paradigms, and reform our institutions and socio-economic fabric across continents and oceans. This evolutionary and gradual process is likely to lead to a more enlightened, enduring, and peaceful state.

Image by Tide He from Pixabay

Credits: This piece of writing has been inspired and written with the idea of compassion and education by two of my dear mentors, teachers, and good friends and I owe all to both of them. Nonetheless, one proposed that this world requires compassion to become a nice and peaceful place where people care for each other and, as a result, assist their fellow beings. The other conceived the idea that education can tame our animal instincts, transforming us into peace-loving and enlightened human beings. It is a long and possible way to pursue and this is what led me to write all the above.

Thanks for reading. MT

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